The Mediterranean Bowling Confederation is divided into three geographical zones, members of the International Bowling Federation (IBF) as follows:
The Asian Zone / Asian Bowling Federation (ABF)
The European Zone / European Bowling Federation (EBF)
The African Zone / Bowling Federation of Africa (BFA)
The confederation is a geographical group, made up of National Bowling Federations actually or historically bordering the Mediterranean Sea, in full harmonization with ICMG charter.
MBC’s main purpose is to promote:
the development of humanist and cultural values through athletes in every discipline approved by IBF, at all levels of practice.
collaboration, solidarity, mutual aid between the National Bowling Federations within every domain, administrative, technical, educational, health, logistics, in particular, if requested by a national federation.
mutual administrative aid between federations
technical collaboration between technician; pooling of technical services; education – formation
solidarity between athletes - priority in calling and inviting athletes of the confederation to training camps, tournaments, international and national “Open” competitions, and other events.
medical assistance formation and recycling of medical organizations and anti-doping education.
establishment of events between the countries of the confederation, in full harmonization with ICMG charter.